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Top 10 Steps for Digital Marketing for Software Development Companies

All types of products or services require an effective digital marketing strategy these days. The bulk of advertising and brand building done exists online because that is where both consumers and business targets put their attention. Software development companies obviously focus on computer landscapes and the Internet, which makes digital marketing efforts necessary for their success. These 10 steps will help your company increase brand recognition, reputation, lead generation, and conversion to fuel current and future success.

1 – Establish Marketing Goals

As with all smart goal-making processes, establish specific and actionable ones for your software development company’s marketing efforts. A business goal that simply states “Sell lots of systems” will get you nowhere. Each part of your marketing strategy focuses on a particular end: attracting a certain number of leads, increasing profits by a particular percent, or reaching a precise subscriber number for your email list.

Write down marketing goals the same way you would write down the plan for developing a new piece of software. Each program has its own methods that help you achieve the perfect end. The same is true for marketing.

2 – Identify the Ideal Target Audience

Who is most likely to purchase your software? The answer to this question is as diverse as the different programming systems and apps available on the market today. In order to attract the right type of attention, you need to know what it looks like. Every item on your digital marketing strategy list must conform to the interests and expectations of this ideal audience.

This remains true whether you focus on consumer or B2B products. Advertising for a phone app game enjoyed by children and teenagers is infinitely different than the efforts put forth to attract C-suite corporate attention for financial analysis software.

3 – Determine a Marketing Budget

While the Internet offers huge range of free marketing methods, a successful launch of either a business or one software product works better with funding. The classic adages of “Time is money” and “You get what you pay for” both factor into your marketing strategy decisions. You can either spend an awful amount of time and effort for slower and less effective results, or you can invest in your future success. Some options include display ads, PPC, and social media placement.

4 – Construct a Strong Platform

The people who run a software development company should understand the power of creating a strong online presence. One of the first parts of an effective marketing strategy includes constructing a platform that consists of a professional website, appropriate social media pages, directory listings, and more. Everywhere your company or products show up online must convey the true sense of your brand identity and the benefits you bring to your target audience.

Do not skimp on professional website development and design. Create a recognizable brand with logo, typography, and matching name, address, and phone number (NAP) on all pages you do not control directly. These touch points will provide you with places to direct interested consumers or business targets with your advertising efforts.

5 – Build a Multichannel System

Multichannel marketing results in better short and long-term results because it targets the individuals or businesses most likely to need your software products. If you focus on only one method, platform, or ad type, you may face abject destruction if search engine algorithms or trends shift suddenly. Instead, use all the appropriate channels available to you: on-site SEO, content marketing, off-site link strategies, directory listings, video marketing, social media, and a host of paid advertising methods.

6 – Create a Smart Content Plan

As a software development company, your main goals when it comes to marketing is to impress the importance and usefulness of your system on the people most likely to use. In order to convince people you have what they need, you must create content that explains and demonstrates this. Every piece of written, audio, and video content associated with your brand and product exists as a cumulative effort to establish your place in the market and communicate directly with the target consumers or businesses eager for your expertise.

7 – Get Active in the Online Community

Now more than any other time in history, consumers and businesses want to know the brands they buy from in a more personal way. Marketing has transformed into a way to build relationships that hopefully grow and strengthen over time. Creating a strategy to interact with the online community interested in the type of apps you offer promotes this type of connection. U can control every interaction that occurs, creating a plan for easing your audience members through the customer experience process makes sense

8 – Provide Educational or Entertainment Value

A large part of your content strategy involves giving away value for free. This can come in the form of educational materials, games, or even attractive images and jokes. The value you provide to your target audience appends on what type of software you sell. This extends beyond content creation, too. Every social media reply, blog comment, or podcast appearance you do should focus on providing value to others rather than your company directly.

9 – Utilize Current SEO Practices

Understand what currently works for search engine optimization and integrated into everything from blog post writing to display ad campaigns to social media interactions. Every online marketing strategy must include a focus on attracting organic traffic from Google and other search engines. Throughout time, this has been the most effective way to get attention on your brand, traffic to your sites, and ultimately sales.

10 – Collect Data, Analyze It, and Stay Flexible

Very few things work perfectly the first time you try them. As a software developer, you understand that trial and error is often part of any process. The same holds true for developing an effective marketing strategy. However, the last thing you want to do is shoot into the dark and hope your efforts reach the right people.

Absolutely every marketing effort you make must include a way to collect data about its efficacy so that you can analyze what works and what does not. Split test ads, ask your audience for feedback, and always try new things while holding on to the strategies that get you the best results. Stay flexible but only forge off in a new marketing direction if the numbers back it up.

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    • David Brown
      3:00 PM, 30 November 2019

      Yes, our plugin supports php 7.1. Thank you for your interest.

    • David Brown
      3:07 PM, 30 November 2019

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